Posted on 2024-10-23 15:06:25
Posted on 2024-10-23 15:06:25
Town Council Meeting
Cedar Grove Town Hall
October 8, 2024
Meeting called to order by Mayor Young at 7:00PM.
Roll Call
Mayor Melissa Young – PRESENT
Recorder Samantha Goodwin – PRESENT
Leslie Sigler – PRESENT
Clayton “Jock” Young – PRESENT
Ryan Coleman – ABSENT
Mark Harrison – PRESENT
Ashley Young – ABSENT
Approval of Minutes
Jock Young had a question about the FEMA money paying off the sewer bill. He thought he had elaborated how he wanted it done—the FEMA money into the General Fund and then the sewer would be paid off by the Sewer Fund—and it was done differently. Mayor Young said she believed it was done correctly because the FEMA money was used to pay off the sewer and the remaining balance was put into the General Fund, which is how she felt the Council had voted.
Mark Harrison and Leslie Sigler explained that they remembered the same as Mayor Young. Jock Young still disagreed. Leslie Sigler motioned to accept the minutes from September 24, 2024. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. Majority in favor, motion passed.
Approval of Financial Statement
Jock Young pointed out that the town had a loss in the General Fund, less $5,000. Mayor Young said that there was a mix up with another fund that sends the town money every quarter. They sent a letter stating that they had overpaid every municipality and were revoking some of the payments that were made. Jock commented on the Opioid Fund losing $10/month and wants to look further into using the money before it is all spent. Mayor Young said that they may be able to use it to buy Narcan for the Fire Department as they had in the past. Leslie motioned to accept the September Financial Report. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Sidewalk Project
Jock Young said that he spoke with someone about doing a walkthrough to address some of the flaws that were left in the sidewalks.
Abandoned Houses
Jock said he spoke to the attorney. He asked if we should have heard back from the company about revamping the ordinances. Mayor Young said they are working on them, but it can take over 15 months to complete the revisions. Jock wanted to know if we could call to put a rush on them. Mayor Young said that Mr. Bennett has to receive a certified mail and be given 30 days to respond. After that, the Town can pick up the trash on the burnt down house and put a lien on the property. Jock suggested that we could see about speaking with the County to get on a list for having properties torn down.
Trunk or Treat
Not mentioned in the meeting.
Sale of Old Generator & Furnaces
Mayor Young said that the bids were out and they will be opened at the next Council meeting and they are due the Friday before.
Kanawha PSD
The Kanawha PSD is paid off and they said they were proud of the Town of Cedar Grove for paying off the balance early.
Baseball Field
Mayor Young said she has not heard anything on it. Jock Young brought a map that shows what they had configured for the handicap access. The individual that Jock spoke with said that the concrete would cost around $32,000. He has a couple more arrangements to get pricing from other individuals.
The Community Center will be finished by Thursday 10/10/24. Mayor Young said the Town will need to hire employees for Bingo and figure out how many the Town needs to hire and how much they should be paid. Mark Harrison suggested $10 or less. Brad said that the other halls he’s been to has had 25 or more workers. Leslie suggested about 10 employees. Leslie Sigler mentioned that she is concerned about the cost of employees. Mayor Young said it will eventually pay for itself. Mayor Young said we need to do a “soft opening” to test out the process and equipment. Mayor Young reiterated 10 employees hired at $10/hour. Mark Harrison asked if we would host every Friday. Mayor Young said that that would be ideal. Mark Harrison motioned to hire up to 10 people for now. Samantha Goodwin suggested up to 12 in case someone cannot attend and then rotate them accordingly. Mark Harrison motioned to hire up to 12 people. Jock Young seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Street Update
Tied in under Dump Truck Bed.
Police Update
Mayor Young said that we have another police officer joining us full time. He has some more certifications to complete and then he will be ready to start. There was another officer interested, but his schedule was limited. Mayor Young and Samantha Goodwin agreed that only 2 full-time officers were budgeted for; Samantha mentioned it could potentially be switched around. Mayor Young brought up the Public Safety Grant and how she would like to use it towards buying a new Ford police car due to us hiring an additional policeman. We will have to pay half of the cost and they will match. $46,000 is the full commitment for the 2025 model, includes everything except the lights. The Town also needs to state which car they will be replacing: the 2014 cruiser or the 2019 truck. Jock suggested probably wanting to get rid of the oldest vehicle, but it would be best to include Chief Ice in the decision-making. Mayor Young said she needed an answer immediately because the letters came out late. Jock reiterated that the oldest would be his pick. He also stated the truck could be multipurpose for the town and possibly more beneficial to keep. Mark
Harrison agreed to replace the car. Jock Young motioned to use the Public Safety Grant to buy a new police car to replace our oldest cruiser. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Jock Young motioned to secure the $23,000 needed to match the Public Safety Grant for the purchase of the new car. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Dump Truck Bed
The bed needs replaced. Baker Truck Equipment quoted was for $11,980.00 the bed is installed by the company. The next quote was $11,700.00 from Charleston Fleet, but the Town employees would have to install it on their own. Mark Harrison said the Town could not install it for $200. Troy suggested that Baker is the better option based on his experience with them. Jock Young motioned to get a truck bed from Baker. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Clean Up Route 60 Property
Not mention in the meeting.
Lawn Mower Repair
Mayor Young said that there is an issue with the deck on the lawnmower. She told the employees that grass cutting season is almost finished and we would address the issue come Spring.
Agenda for Guests
Mayor Young said that guests will need to put any complaints or topics on the agenda with Jessica in the Town Hall by Thursday before the meeting. She said we need to set a time limit for those speaking. Mark and Jock said that the Board of Education gives 5 minutes.
Energy Efficient Grant
The individual with the Energy Efficient Grant are working on estimates for windows, lighting, heating/cooling and doors. Every municipality can get up to $30,000 so she wants to try to get what we get. The guys were upset about the lack of commercial doors at the front of the Town Hall so they will likely work to replace those.
Dee thanked the Mayor and the employees for cleaning up the property behind his house. He said it looks fantastic.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM. Jock Young motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mark Harrison seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.